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Koi Noboribori (carp streamer) set with stand

Koi Noboribori (carp streamer) set with stand

19577 yen

Condition: New
Inland shipping: free
Seller: sango shop~スピード発送~


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Product Description

Thank you for visiting our website. Since we sell our products on other websites Please understand that in rare cases, our products may be sold out or on backorder. Koi Noboribori carp streamer 43cm indoor carp with natural wooden stand, carp decoration, mini carp, five carp, Satsukidoll, compact, Tango no Sekku (Boys' Festival), tabletop, set with stand Koi Noboris (carp streamer) set includes: koi streamer, black carp, red carp, blue carp, purple carp and natural wooden stand. Koinobori size: 13 cm (width) x 13 cm (depth) x 43 cm (height) (external dimensions). The carp is handmade with great care and attention to detail, making the best use of the texture of the material, crape. The item is handmade one by one with great care and attention to detail. Koinobori Plushie] Koinobori made of Chirimen (soft and soft) are a unique and gorgeous set of Koinobori that can be displayed indoors. Thank you very much for your understanding. We hope you will confirm the above information and make your purchase. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via message.

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Thank you for visiting our website. Since we sell our products on other websites Please understand that in rare cases, our products may be sold out or on backorder. Koi Noboribori carp streamer 43cm indoor carp with natural wooden stand, carp decoration, mini carp, five carp, Satsukidoll, compact, Tango no Sekku (Boys' Festival), tabletop, set with stand Koi Noboris (carp streamer) set includes: koi streamer, black carp, red carp, blue carp, purple carp and natural wooden stand. Koinobori size: 13 cm (width) x 13 cm (depth) x 43 cm (height) (external dimensions). The carp is handmade with great care and attention to detail, making the best use of the texture of the material, crape. The item is handmade one by one with great care and attention to detail. Koinobori Plushie] Koinobori made of Chirimen (soft and soft) are a unique and gorgeous set of Koinobori that can be displayed indoors. Thank you very much for your understanding. We hope you will confirm the above information and make your purchase. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via message.
ご覧いただきありがとうございます。 当店では他サイトにも商品を販売しているため まれに売り切れや取り寄せ中となる場合がありますがご了承ください。 こいのぼり 鯉のぼり 笑鯉 43cm 室内 天然木製台付 ちりめん タペストリー 鯉飾り ミニ 鯉5匹 五月人形 コンパクト 端午の節句 卓上 台付セット 【鯉のぼりセット内容】つるし飾り 吹流し・黒鯉・赤鯉・青鯉・紫鯉・天然木製台付 【こいのぼりサイズ】全体 横幅13×奥行13 高さ43cm(外寸)。 【ちりめん細工】素材となるちりめんの風合いを生かし、細かい ところにまでこだわって丁に、大切に、ひとつ ひとつ手づくりされています. 【初節句】ひとつひとつ丁寧に 手作りされています , 細かいところにまで気を配り丁寧に 仕上げられています. 【鯉のぼり ぬいぐるみ】ちりめんでできた鯉のぼりは雰囲気が柔らかく、他には無い屋内に飾れる豪華な鯉幟セットです。 最後までご確認頂き誠にありがとうございました。 上記をご確認頂き、ご購入いただけましたら幸いです。 何かご不明な点がございましたらお気軽にメッセージからお問い合わせ下さい。
Koi Noboribori (carp streamer) set with stand

Koi Noboribori (carp streamer) set with stand

Koi Noboribori (carp streamer) set with stand

Koi Noboribori (carp streamer) set with stand

Koi Noboribori (carp streamer) set with stand

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Koi Noboribori (carp streamer) set with stand

Koi Noboribori (carp streamer) set with stand

Koi Noboribori (carp streamer) set with stand

Koi Noboribori (carp streamer) set with stand

Koi Noboribori (carp streamer) set with stand

Koi Noboribori (carp streamer) set with stand

Koi Noboribori (carp streamer) set with stand

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