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Koinobori Wooden Indoor Koinobori Table-top Koinobori Ornament - Genki Ningyo Kobo Mini - 12cm tall

Koinobori Wooden Indoor Koinobori Table-top Koinobori Ornament - Genki Ningyo Kobo Mini - 12cm tall

3788 yen

Condition: New
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Seller: sango shop~スピード発送~

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Item ID: LebMzCvnVcerEoz8AmWWDi

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Product Description

Thank you for visiting our website. Since we sell our products on other websites Please understand that in rare cases, our products may be sold out or on backorder. Genki Ningyo Kobo Koi Noboris carp streamer wooden indoor tabletop carp streamer ornament mini 12cm high [Compact design, ideal for small apartments and children's rooms where space is at a premium. [The size is 7cm in width, 5cm in depth, and 12cm in height, and the weight is only 30g. [Material] Natural wood with a gentle texture. [About Wooden Products] Colors and other details of the product may differ slightly from those shown in the photos. Also, since the product is handmade and made of natural wood, the specifications and texture may vary slightly from one to another. Please understand this in advance. Please store the product in a dry place and out of direct sunlight, as it may cause discoloration, mold, or rust. Please be careful that children do not put it in their mouths. Thank you very much for your understanding. We hope you will confirm the above information and purchase the product. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via message.

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Thank you for visiting our website. Since we sell our products on other websites Please understand that in rare cases, our products may be sold out or on backorder. Genki Ningyo Kobo Koi Noboris carp streamer wooden indoor tabletop carp streamer ornament mini 12cm high [Compact design, ideal for small apartments and children's rooms where space is at a premium. [The size is 7cm in width, 5cm in depth, and 12cm in height, and the weight is only 30g. [Material] Natural wood with a gentle texture. [About Wooden Products] Colors and other details of the product may differ slightly from those shown in the photos. Also, since the product is handmade and made of natural wood, the specifications and texture may vary slightly from one to another. Please understand this in advance. Please store the product in a dry place and out of direct sunlight, as it may cause discoloration, mold, or rust. Please be careful that children do not put it in their mouths. Thank you very much for your understanding. We hope you will confirm the above information and purchase the product. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via message.
ご覧いただきありがとうございます。 当店では他サイトにも商品を販売しているため まれに売り切れや取り寄せ中となる場合がありますがご了承ください。 元気人形工房 こいのぼり 鯉のぼり 木製 室内 卓上 鯉のぼり置物 ミニ 高さ12cm [こいのぼり 木製 ]コンパクト設計場所を問わず飾れるコンパクトサイズ 飾るスペースが狭くなりがちなマンションや子供部屋に最適です。 [卓上 鯉のぼり]サイズは、横7センチ、奥行き5センチ、 高さ12センチで重量は、30gのコンパクト設計。 [素材]優しい質感の天然木製. [木製品について]色合いなど本物は写真と多少の誤差が生じる場合がございます。また、手作りであり天然木を使用している為、多少の仕様の変化や風合いがひとつひとつ異なります。あらかじめご了承ください。 保管場所は変色やカビ、サビの原因になりますので湿気の少ない場所・直射日光の当たらない場所に保管してください。 お子様がお口に入れないようにご注意いください。 最後までご確認頂き誠にありがとうございました。 上記をご確認頂き、ご購入いただけましたら幸いです。 何かご不明な点がございましたらお気軽にメッセージからお問い合わせ下さい。
Koinobori Wooden Indoor Koinobori Table-top Koinobori Ornament - Genki Ningyo Kobo Mini - 12cm tall

Koinobori Wooden Indoor Koinobori Table-top Koinobori Ornament - Genki Ningyo Kobo Mini - 12cm tall

Koinobori Wooden Indoor Koinobori Table-top Koinobori Ornament - Genki Ningyo Kobo Mini - 12cm tall

Koinobori Wooden Indoor Koinobori Table-top Koinobori Ornament - Genki Ningyo Kobo Mini - 12cm tall

Koinobori Wooden Indoor Koinobori Table-top Koinobori Ornament - Genki Ningyo Kobo Mini - 12cm tall

Koinobori Wooden Indoor Koinobori Table-top Koinobori Ornament - Genki Ningyo Kobo Mini - 12cm tall

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